NY Metro InfraGard Members Alliance invites ISSA Chattanooga to our 7th Annual NY Metro Joint Cyber Security Conference & Workshop.
The New York Metro Joint Cyber Security Conference is a collaborative event cooperatively developed, organized and sponsored by the leading information security industry organizations and chapters.
Organizational Partners:
InfraGard Members Alliance - New York Metro Chapter
Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA) - New Jersey Chapter
Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA) - Greater Hartford CT Chapter
High Technology Crime Investigation Association (HTCIA) - New York City Metro Chapter
Internet Society (ISOC) - New York Chapter
Information Systems Security Association (ISSA) - New York Chapter
Community Partners:
(ISC)2 - New Jersey Chapter
Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA) - New York Metro Chapter
Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) - New York Metro Chapter
Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) - New Jersey Chapter
Association of Continuity Professionals (ACP) - New York City Metro Chapter
Date: October 22 (Conference) and 23rd (Workshops)
Overview: The New York Metro Joint Cyber Security Conference (NYMJCSC) is cooperatively developed, organized and sponsored by leading information security industry organizations and chapters. Driven by the collaboration between members of this coalition, the strength of organizational membership, the provision of desirable CPE credits and the concurrence of National Cyber Security Awareness Month, the NYMJCSC promises -- once again -- to be well-attended by members of the information technology, information security, audit, academic, and business communities.
Check out the website: NYM JCSC website https://www.nymjcsc.org/
Please register for this NY Metro InfraGard webinar at: https://nymjcsc2020.eventbrite.com
8:45 am Welcome & Introductions
Keynote William Hugh Murray
Protecting the Big Apple: Managing Cyber Risk at the City Level Munish Walther-Puri
Beyond Cybersecurity: Why, How, and What Do You Need to Know about Cyber Resilience? Michael Melore, CISSP
The OODA Loop for CISOs Roselle Safran
Understanding AI's Risks and Rewards Mark Francis
The Art of Social Engineering John Pizurro
Boosting Cyber Resilience - Black Swans, Gray Rhinos and Coordinated Crisis Response Beth Dunphy
Top Ten Challenges of Securing Smart Infrastructure Niloufer Tamboly
4:45 pm Closing Remarks & Raffles