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The ISSA Chattanooga Chapter (TN) serves the Chattanooga and surrounding Tennessee Valley area. We are located 2 hours south of Nashville and 2 hours north of Atlanta.  Our membership is growing, drawn from a multitude of large enterprises, medium to large businesses, government entities, healthcare organizations, and educational institutions in the Tennessee Valley area. Our chapter members span all levels of careers, from students to recent graduates to entry level to mid and senior management.  Our chapter represents SMEs from all industries – finance, healthcare, insurance, medical, government, education,  technology, services, and more. This depth of experience and breadth of knowledge provides a dynamic networking environment of great individuals to draw from for education, guidance, and thought leadership.


Our events feature national subject matter experts. We offer monthly virtual chapter events, quarterly face-to-face events, After-Hours events, and other activities. Many of our speakers are known workshop instructors, national presenters, researchers, and industry specialists in their field.   All events are open to ISSA members and non-members alike to provide educational opportunities for practitioners of all types. We simply ask that our guests, after they’ve personally experienced the value of our organization, consider joining ISSA as full-fledged members.


The value that you will receive from our chapter is not just local value but national, and international. Through ISSA, you can connect with chapters and ISSA professionals all over the world while making Chattanooga chapter your home base.  There is no better venue to hone your knowledge, learn from the best of the best, network with peers, connect with mentors, and continue gaining professional development in the field of Cybersecurity. 


The ISSA Chattanooga Chapter was chosen Chapter of the Year in 2017 and again in 2019 by International ISSA for being the best-of-the-best in events, education and training, and all around professional development opportunities for its members and the surrounding community.  Come see what we are all about!

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The Chattanooga ISSA Chapter Bylaws define the broad framework for governing our chapter and clarify primary chapter guidelines and objectives.  

The bylaws are reviewed annually by the chapter board.

The current bylaws can be viewed here.


The Board of Directors serving the Chattanooga TN ISSA chapter are all volunteers from within the chapter. They are individuals that donate their time, energy and expertise to ensure our membership and the local community benefit from cutting-edge, excellent educational programs and informational opportunities for knowledge sharing, networking, collaboration, and continuing education.


Participation on the chapter board or any subcommittee is an excellent opportunity to build leadership skills, earn CPE credits, and build connections with other dedicated security professionals.  This leadership helps our chapter to make a positive impact on the security community.

 Please reach out to any board member if you have an interest in contributing, learning more about our chapter or info sec community, sponsoring, networking, or simply to provide feedback on how the chapter is doing.


Elected Board Members and their contact information is below:


President:  Dr. Curtis Campbell                                                  


Vice President:  Susan Miller, Director of Programs       


Treasurer:  Christopher Rimondi    


Secretary:  Nicole McDowell, Director of Training 


Appointed Directors:
Media / Web CoordinatorShayne Champion


Education / Event Coordinator: Randy Upchurch


Community Outreach / Social Media Coordinator: Kevin Riggs        


Communications / Chapter Operations: Christopher Jackson


After Hours Events Coordinator: Catie Bush        


© 2022 by Chattanooga ISSA. 

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